Quest for the Pipe of the Sioux

Quest for the Pipe of the Sioux


Wilbur A. Riegert—Ojibwa by birth—was fortunate to meet the then last keeper of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe, Lakota holy woman Mrs. Martha Bad Warrior. The meeting set an unexpected path for young Wilbur leading him to live w/ the Lakota at Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. He dedicated his life and resources to preserving the legend of the White Buffalo Calf Maiden and her transformational gift, the Sacred Calf Pipe.

“Quest for the Pipe of the Sioux” is one expression of Wilbur’s devotion to fulfill on the purpose of the Pipe—to bring Peace and Harmony to the People. He began writing “Quest” while Curator at the Wounded Knee Museum, housing artifacts from his family’s private collection as well as those of fellow Wounded Knee residents. The Museum told the heart wrenching story of the Massacre at Wounded Knee the inspiring message Mrs. Bad Warrior gave to Wilbur back in 1936.

The history and message of the Sacred Calf Pipe is a profound and relevant message for today’s world.

SKU: 1v98dgg8 Category:


Wilbur A. Riegert—Ojibwa by birth—was fortunate to meet the then last keeper of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe, Lakota holy woman Mrs. Martha Bad Warrior. The meeting set an unexpected path for young Wilbur leading him to live w/ the Lakota at Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. He dedicated his life and resources to preserving the legend of the White Buffalo Calf Maiden and her transformational gift, the Sacred Calf Pipe.

“Quest for the Pipe of the Sioux” is one expression of Wilbur’s devotion to fulfill on the purpose of the Pipe—to bring Peace and Harmony to the People. He began writing “Quest” while Curator at the Wounded Knee Museum, housing artifacts from his family’s private collection as well as those of fellow Wounded Knee residents. The Museum told the heart wrenching story of the Massacre at Wounded Knee the inspiring message Mrs. Bad Warrior gave to Wilbur back in 1936.

The history and message of the Sacred Calf Pipe is a profound and relevant message for today’s world.

Additional information

Weight 0.321 oz

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